2024 Presidential Election Polls
RacetotheWH is tracking the latest polling for the 2024 Presidential Election, and now includes polling for both Kamala Harris against Donald Trump. It also features a polling-driven Electoral College Map, which shows the current leader based on the polling average in each state.
In the polling average, more weight is given to polls:
1. Published by Pollsters that have a Strong Track Record of Accuracy
2. That Interviewed a Large Sample of Voters
3. Were Released Recently - Especially as we Get Closer to the Election
We correct for pollsters' historic partisan bias, and we give less weight to polls released by campaigns.
Looking for Predictions instead of Polling? Explore the live 2024 RacetotheWH Presidential Forecast.
In 2022, RacetotheWH ranked first in calling the highest percentage of Senate and Governor races correctly and came within one seat of predicting the exact number of seats the GOP would finish within the House.
Update - September 16th: In addition to Biden and Harris, the polling average now includes the top two third-party candidates for each state who have qualified for the ballot. This update excludes RFK Jr. from the swing states where he successfully removed his name from the ballot.
We include three types of polling averages. The default option is an average that tracks all Harris vs. Trump polls. For those that prefer Head to Head and Third Party Polling to be separated, we are still tracking those polling types, which you can select under “Choose your Matchup and Location”. For comparison sake, you can also explore Joe Biden’s polling against Donald Trump.
For the older version of the polling average, which includes polling for alternative nominees like DeSantis and Haley, click here.
24 Senate Forecast
Our new Senate Forecast breaks down the chances both parties have of securing a majority in 2024. It will be updated daily from now until the election.
More RacetotheWH Interactive Features
House Forecast
2024 GOP Primary Polling
Track the latest polls in the GOP Primary - nationally and in every state. Includes Trump v. DeSantis polling, and a trend line showing how the race has changed.
Click here for the Latest Primary Polls
National Senate Predictions
Our new Senate Forecast breaks down the chances both parties have of securing a majority in 2024. It will be updated daily from now until the election!
Montana Senate Predictions
The Senate Majority could be decided by Montanans, who will choose whether to send Jon Tester, the Senator-Rancher, back to Washington DC for another term. It’s the focus of our first full-page individualized interactive Senate Forecast.
Joe Biden Approval Tracker
Track Biden’s support in every state of the union, and compare his national numbers to Donald Trump’s.