Trump’s Pathway to Victory Has Narrowed Considerably
Once considered underdogs, Democrats have emerged as the new front runners to take the Senate majority - but their advantage rests on a fragile foundation
Texans are Turning Out in Record Numbers, Raising the Prospects of a Biden Upset
Although the political picture is far from clear, this is a very positive sign for Joe Biden's chances of an upset in the Lonestar state.

The Definitive Guide to the 2020 Senate Election
Once considered underdogs, Democrats have emerged as the new front runners to take the Senate majority - but their advantage rests on a fragile foundation
The Essential Guide to the 2020 Senate Election
Once considered underdogs, Democrats have emerged as the new front runners to take the Senate majority - but their advantage rests on a fragile foundation
In Florida, Joe Biden is Breaking through with Seniors
The real surprise in the Sunshine State is a dramatic shift in the electorate that could upend the playbooks of both parties